AcornTV Tombstone Movie

Tombstone AcornTV



Release Year: 1993; country: USA; Kevin Jarre; Tomatometer: 8,2 / 10 Star; Duration: 2hour 10 minute; Former lawman Wyatt Earp, his two brothers and friend Doc Holliday settle in the town of Tombstone in order to lead a profitable and peaceful life, but soon come into conflict with the Cowboys, a band of outlaws led by the Clanton brothers. This retelling of the Earp and Clanton feud also follows up the gunfight at the O.K. Corral with a look at the bloody consequences of the showdown

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2:01 I love this headshot training day scene here Come on. Tombstone movie reaction. When Kurt Russell gets off the train and stops to look around at the beginning of the movie look over his right shoulder the number of the train is 5150 he gets off the Crazy Train.

One of the best movies ever. I have to watch this movie by myself. I act such a fool when it"s on. Tombstone movie page imdb. Doc draws, shoots Johnny ringo, holsters his gun before Johnny hits the ground. Tombstone movie doc holliday and johnny ringo. Val Kilmer shined in this movie and it"s sad they keep overlooking him. Damn blue shirt guy at 2:47 got smoked. Tombstone movie doc. One of my favorite movies. Tombstone movies. Tombstone. Tombstone movie.

All of these male actors could of won the Oscar ! Great acting and great movie ! ????

You know, during this gunfight scene, every time I watch the movie ( one of those movies where you"re flipping through channels, stumble on to this movie and regardless of where it"s at, you put the remote down and just have to watch it from that point, on )the same question always comes up - Exactly where were Curly Bill Brocious and Johnny Ringo, THE TWO LEADERS AND BEST GUNMEN. ALLEGEDLY ? Seems to me, they should have been right there, with their partners in crime. Tombstone movie cast. Best gun fight ever. The real one and in this movie. And you. Music lovah. You"re next. Why Johnny Ringo, you look like someone just walked over your grave.

Doc Holliday was once asked about his conscience and if ever troubled him. Holliday"s response, I coughed that up with my lungs years ago. A truly larger than life character and excellently played by Val Kilmer. Tombstone movie bar. A sizzling, star-studded cast brings to life the legendary battle to deliver justice to TOMBSTONE! Kurt Russell turns in a gripping performance as U. S. Marshall Wyatt Earp and Val Kilmer ignites the screen as the outrageous Doc Holliday. Together, they team up to bring law to the lawless in a notorious showdown with the ruthless outlaws at the O. K. Corral! Get ready for an explosive, action-packed adventure the Wild West would never forget! Tombstone movie clips. Tombstone movie youtube.

Tombstone movie.
Why Johnny look like somebody just walked over your grave.

That part where he says he has no money? That"s when all the modern liberated women leave. Y"know, because they don"t need any man to support them, but they surely do want a wealthy man to show off to their friends. So is everyone pretty much of the consensus that Johnny Ringo would have beaten Wyatt Earp in a gunfight. Anyone else here from Noahj456. Too dank for me. Said by all exo zombie lovers.


"re we cross. You know that before he was a was a dentist. he went to tombstone for the dry heat it helps in turbucolosis. Kate looks at Doc"s hand. I think she has seen the other hand, so shes letting Doc know he has it won.

Doc was a savage he wanted all the smoke! ????

Everyone talking about 3 shots from a double barrel. it was the same shot, 2 different angles. Tombstone movie hell"s coming with me. Tombstone movie dvd. 3:33 Lol Doc dry firing his gun at one of the clayton boys always gets a chuckle put of me. Kilmer was amazing in this film. Tombstone movie free. Tombstone movie clips youtube. Val"s portrayal of Doc was the shit man!  His best role ever. The long duster that Wyatt was wearing during his shoot out with Curly Bill in the creek actually has multiple bullet holes in it due to the way it was waving the around due to Wyatt"s movements. One of the biggest snubs by the Academy ever shown to the western genre. Val Kilmer should have won an Oscar for his role as Doc Holiday.

Your a daisy if you do. Tombstone movie ok corral scene. There can be no light without darkness. Tombstone movie quotes. Tombstone movie streaming. Tombstone movie quiz. Tombstone movie wiki. Sheriff Behan was a collaborator with the cowboys and was just like Vidkun Quisling. Tombstone movie cast of characters. “The best buffet in the U.S.A!”. Tombstone movie review.